Key Community Mental Health Support Services North Somerset

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Whatever your age and circumstance, there is support out there for you if you are willing to reach out.

The Samaritans

The Samaritans are a national charity offering support 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can also contact them if you’re worried about someone you know. They have a Weston-super-Mare and a North Somerset branch.

Samaritans Website


North Somerset Wellbeing

North Somerset Wellbeing Service is run by Second Step. Find out more about the services and support they can provide on their website.

Wellbeing College

NHS Talking Therapies

Known as Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT), this service is designed to support you by giving you the tools you need to get things back on track. Talking Therapies is available whether you’re depressed, stressed, anxious or dealing with any one of a wide range of common psychological and emotional issues.

In North Somerset, NHS Talking Therapies run the service on behalf of Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board (BNSSGICB).

NHS Talking Therapies website


Talk Club

Talk Club is a UK male mental health charity helping men to improve their mental health. It’s available to men aged 18 years old and over, offering talking groups, sports groups and therapy to help keep you mentally fit. Find out how to get involved on their website.

Talk Club Website

Social prescribing

Non-clinical mental wellbeing support is available through the social prescribing scheme, which aims to help people to improve their physical and mental wellbeing by connecting them with local services and activities. Ask your GP about their link worker or social prescriber

Wellness Service

The Wellness Service offers wellbeing telephone calls to people in need. It covers the whole of the North Somerset area.

The Wellness Service aims to help improve and sustain the physical and mental wellbeing of people across North Somerset. It allows them to remain as independent as possible in their own home and communities.

The service is provided by Access Your Care in partnership with North Somerset Council.

How we support people

Our service helps to support people by:

  • checking that they are safe and secure
  • maintaining their independence in the community
  • offering a degree of brief social contact
  • signposting them to wider community resources, where appropriate
  • considering how Technology can be utilised

Different types of support

We can offer you the following types of support:

  • regular telephone support
  • technology enabled care
  • A subscription to our Care Link service – free for 3 months (this is determined on a case by case basis)

Who can use the service

You are welcome to sign up to the service if you meet the following guidelines:

  • must be a North Somerset resident
  • must be able to talk on the phone, video call, or respond to text
  • people who have recently returned from hospital
  • people who are caring for someone else
  • people recently bereaved
  • people with physical or minor mental health conditions that are at risk of deterioration
    • please note this does not include those with severe and enduring mental health

The service is free to residents of North Somerset over the age of 18.

Reasons to consider using the service

You may want to reach out to us if you experience any of the following:

  • you are socially isolated and lonely
  • you are waiting for care
  • you are a frequent caller to services
  • you are in need of follow up following professional intervention
  • you are an vulnerable informal carer

How to sign up

To register for the service, you will need to make a referral. You can do this one of two ways:

  • online – visit the Access Your Care website to fill out the wellness referral form. The team will then ring you to go through a quick assessment and get you set up to receive calls.
  • via phone – call the team directly to make a referral. One of the team members will fill out the assessment form for you on the call.

Access Your Care website – make a referral to the Wellness service

Access Your Care Wellness Team

01275 874861

Access Your Care logo


Men in Sheds – Weston Hospicecare

A support group called “Men in Sheds” is run from a small wooden outbuilding housed within Weston Hospicecare grounds.

The concept is that men can find it difficult to talk through feeling and emotions experienced after bereavement, thus “side by side consultation” works by engaging them in practical pursuits and providing a platform from which to “open up”.

Thanks to community partnership with WSM council they have been offered an initial 5-year lease of the Pavilion building in Clarence Park, within WSM.

The larger facility provides enhancements of capacity and provision, to provided even more effective support:

  • More sessions and a building that provides more capacity and opportunities.
  • Support more older men referred to the group which unfortunately we cannot do at present due to space constraints.
  • The beneficiaries of the project will be signposted through organisations and community groups.
  • They train up and increase volunteer leader numbers to expand the sessions in the new facility.
  • They have resources, equipment, and more private space to have more intimate conversations as appropriate.
  • Improved physical and mobility access.
  • They provide valuable mental and emotional health support to an older male audience traditionally reticent to ask for, or obtain, help.

The new site is situated at Clarence Park Cricket Pavilion, Walliscote Road, W-s-M, North Somerset, BS23 4AT.

For more details visit Weston Hospicecare


Mothers for Mothers run both support groups and one to one support

These groups are a safe place for Mothers to come and talk about how they feel with others who understand, gain support and make social connections. They have a play worker and SEND support worker who engages children in play activities. Their groups can give you the opportunity to make supportive friendships and your children the opportunity to socialise.

The following is from the Mothers for Mothers national website and can be found at Mothers for Mothers Website

 0117 239 7389 – For information about the different services
0117 935 9366 – Reach helpline Mon- Fri 10:00am to 9:00pm

E-mail (for weekly support calls or texts) (for art therapy, face to face counselling at the Fulford family Centre, dad’s counselling) (for support groups)

Wellspring Counselling

Wellspring offer cheap or free counselling in Weston-super-Mare since July 2022.

They currently have five counsellors there providing 14 hours per week; three of these are with young people (under 18) and the rest are with adults. Pure in Worle is well served by public transport and a good location for people from all areas of the town and surrounding villages to access. It has enabled people who can’t travel to Nailsea, whether through mobility problems or financial hardship, to access our service locally.

The charity supports adults and young people aged 11+ across North Somerset. They offer services to all who seek help regardless of gender, ethnic origin or religious beliefs.

Tel: 01275 810 879