We will achieve our mental health vision for North Somerset with a focus on:
- Prevention Preventing mental ill-health before it arises and preventing any worsening of mental health problems as early as possible
- Early Intervention Identifying mental ill-health as early as possible and intervening with the right support to prevent worsening outcomes
- Supported and living well Supporting individuals in a holistic way so that people with mental ill-health can live well in our communities
How have we developed the strategy?
Our strategy and action plan build on our understanding of mental health and wellbeing need from national and local data; as well as views shared by our local communities and partner organisations about need and how best to improve and support mental health and wellbeing.
What will we do?
Our action plan captures the services, service improvement, learning provision, professional development, action regarding trauma-informed-practice, and mental health and wellbeing programmes to be implemented across early years settings, mental health services and communities. All of our actions seek to lay the best foundations for good mental health throughout life, provide timely support in a range of settings, for people of all ages and to co-produce services, building on data, insight and ongoing learning.
How will we know we have made a difference?
We will monitor progress in implementing our actions and realising our vision regularly through our multi-disciplinary mental health strategy partnership. Refresh of the strategy will be built into our timeline to enable us to review progress and understand any changes we may need to make to meet our targets. We will use data and insight collected through national and local sources to evaluate the impact of our actions and approaches.