The Male Health Group has been running now since 2019.  We aim to raise awareness of health services as well as social and active opportunities available to men in North Somerset. We want to raise awareness of health services as well as social and active opportunities available to men in North Somerset.

We’ve put together a list of stakeholders in the group who offer either a gendered approach to health improvement, or activities aimed specifically at men.

If you or your organisation would like to find out about becoming a member, email the Public Mental Health Team at 


The Public Health Team is part of the council. Our mission is to improve and protect the health and wellbeing of everyone in North Somerset with a focus on those with the poorest health to:

  • increase the quality of healthy life expectancy
  • reduce differences in life expectancy and healthy life expectancy between communities

Services funded by the public health team include:

  • health checks for adults
  • sexual health including GUM services and chlamydia screening
  • stop smoking services
  • treatment for alcohol and drug misuse
  • school nurses and other services for young people aged five to 19
  • weight management and physical activities
  • local community projects to deliver improvements in wellbeing
We support and commisison services in the community:
Community Connect

Community Connect is a free service running in partnership with Curo Housing Association and the West of England Rural Network. It provides information and support for people aged 50 and over to help them stay connected and active in their community and prevent social isolation.

Click here to access their website

Men’s Sheds

Men’s sheds are community spaces for men to connect, converse and create. The activities are often similar to those of garden sheds, but for groups of men to enjoy together. They help reduce loneliness and isolation, but most importantly, they’re fun.

Nailsea Shedders

Nailsea Shedders is part of a community of men’s sheds formed in 2014. Although known as a men’s shed, around 20% of their members are women.

They are located in Nailsea but serve neighbouring parishes such as Clevedon, Yatton, Backwell, Long Ashton, Brockley and Chelvey.

Nailsea Shedders aim to address the social, health and wellbeing needs of our members, to help improve self-esteem and enable them to use, practice and gain skills.

For more information email  

Clevedon Men’s Shed

Clevedon Men’s Shed is a small and friendly group who work on woodworking projects. They meet every Tuesday from 9am to 1pm at The Stables just behind the Clevedon Community Centre.

A smaller group also helps the amateur dramatic club scenery builders with stage props on Wednesday mornings.

The group is very informal and is assisted by a small steering group of three facilitators.

For more information email

Friends of Grove Park

Friends of Grove Park are a community focused group that care for Grove Park in Weston-super-Mare.

They welcome new volunteers with little or no gardening experience. All you need is appreciation of the outdoors, enthusiasm and the desire to be part of a friendly group of people.

There are non-physical work roles and they would really love to hear from people with experience in fundraising.

Friends of Grove Park Facebook page

Oasis For Men

Oasis was set up to help reduce the isolation of men in Weston-super-Mare by giving mutual friendship, support and advice.

Oasis is a group of local people from all walks of life that wish to help each other, or other people address the full range of challenges that life can suddenly present.

Professional sign-posting is given where necessary to make sure members get the full support they need.

Oasis For Men Facebook page

Weston Athletic Club

Weston Athletic Club has a mixed membership of over 400 people and caters for all aspects of running including road running, off road and trail.

They meet on four organised occasions each week and there are many ad hoc groups that meet outside of these sessions. Their sessions are suitable for all levels of runner with their Thursday evening group runs ranging from four to eight miles.

Their sessions provide a framework for people who want to improve their running and similarly for those who just want to run with a group of like-minded people for exercise and company.

Weston Athletic Club website

Cruse Bereavement Care

Cruse Bereavement Care offers free one-to-one and group support to grieving adults by trained bereavement volunteers. They have centres in Portishead, Clevedon and Weston-super-Mare and can arrange home visits.

Eddystone Trust

The Eddystone Trust is a sexual health and HIV charity working in North Somerset as part of Unity Sexual Health. They want to help prevent sexually transmitted infections by helping people to be aware of their sexual health.

They are non-judgmental and have experience of working with many different members of the community.

They offer face to face appointments to people who need support and can help you to access the sexual health clinic or order self-test HIV kits.

Eddystone Trust website

Healthwatch North Somerset

Healthwatch North Somerset is an independent voice for the people of North Somerset to help shape and improve local health and care services.

They encourage you to share your feedback on local health services you have used so the services can improve where needed

Sweet Result Fitness

Sweet Result Fitness provide community-based group fitness classes in North Somerset including kettlecise, zumba, pilates, boxercise and yoga.