NSHSN programmes provide a framework for schools to address the emotional and physical health of children and young people, which is vitally important if they are to be happy, healthy and able to achieve their full potential.  They can also enable schools to address issues which will have a positive impact on our natural environment.

A school’s involvement in NSHSN programmes can:

  • Demonstrate to the whole community, the importance given to health and wellbeing
  • Enable changes to the taught curriculum, culture and physical environment
  • Ensure equity of opportunity and an inclusive environment
  • Increase opportunities to develop pupil involvement in the life of the school and work in partnership with parents/carers
  • Provide evidence to Ofsted, particularly in the key judgement areas of ‘behaviour and attitudes’ and ‘personal development.’
  • Help schools to access organisations and resources, as well as sharing good practice through a network of schools
  • Provide opportunities to celebrate and publicize success

NSHSN Programmes consists of 3 strands:

The primary NSHSN programme

The Primary NSHSN programme supports schools to identify their own needs, make plans to address them and review progress. Schools are guided towards positive change by addressing issues such as mental health, healthy eating, physical activity, safety, personal, social and health education and the environment.

The ‘Active Healthy Schools Award’ for primary schools

Once schools have been involved in the Primary NSHSN programme 3 times in a 5- year period, they can apply for the prestigious ‘Active Healthy Schools Award.’

By achieving ‘Active Healthy Schools’ status, schools will demonstrate that they have ‘covered all the bases’ when it comes to supporting members of the school community to be physically and emotionally healthy.

The Pilot Secondary PSHE Programme

The Pilot Secondary PSHE Programme provides an opportunity for secondary schools to review all aspects of their Personal Social and Health Education provision and to plan changes which will strengthen it.

For more information please contact: steve.davis@n-somerset.gov.uk