Parenting and Family Support

The first few years are the most important in your child’s life, and as a parents/carers you have the biggest influence on their learning and development. As well as in the home, the learning and experiences that your child has when being cared for – whether in playgroups, nurseries, childminders or at school – really help to shape them and their development.

Being a parent/carer can be the most rewarding experience, but it can also be tough. Every child is different and at every age parents/carers are faced with new challenges and situations to handle. There is no such thing as a perfect parent/carer and we all need a little help and support at times.

Our Family Wellbeing Team offers a range of advanced skills parenting groups to parents/carers in North Somerset, the aim of the parenting groups is to give you the opportunity to share experiences, learn new skills and help build positive relationships.

There are many advanced parenting groups you can book yourself, although some do require a referral from a health/education/support professional.

How to Book on to our Advanced Skills Parenting Groups