Choose 2 Lose Men

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Offers 12 weeks of group support to improve healthy habits with a focus on healthy eating and exercise, this is a free service for men with a body mass index (BMI) equal to 25 or more.

The programme is designed to give you the tools you need to make small but sustainable changes that can be maintained long term, supporting you to lose weight and maintain this weight loss.

The programme focuses on behaviour change, individuals have their weight taken each week and are encouraged to work towards a 5% weight loss goal by week 12, with a follow up session at 26 weeks.  To get the most out of the course it is expected that participants attend at least 9 sessions, those attending at least 9 of the 12 sessions will be eligible for two months free gym membership worth £88.

Each session is interactive, lasts 90 minutes and covers different topics each week which will support weight loss (e.g. portion sizes, healthy food swaps, setting goals, taking part in physical activity, local support and signposting).


  • Men that want to lose weight
  • Aged 18 years old or more, with a BMI ≥25 (adjusted to BMI≥23 in men of Black African, African-Caribbean and Asian origin / or those with comorbidities)
  • Living within North Somerset
  • Not currently attending another 12 week weight management service

The programme is delivered by Legacy Leisure.

To book a place on the next course or to find out more contact Kylie Taylor or call 01934 425900.

Feedback from those who have attended the group:

“An informative course conducted excellently with lots of humour by Kayvon and Louis, together with a good bunch of blokes what more could one ask for …. Other than weight loss!!!”

“It’s not just about inches and lbs – it’s about exposure to new activities, a bit of confidence that there are other like minded guys out there, and we are ultimately not alone in our journeys. The fact that we turned up, took part and we will walk away with a support network, some new knowledge and having tried new things is the aim of the course, it’s what we do with that network and knowledge that dictates what we take out of it”