Suicide Prevention

By Helen Yeo

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Suicide Prevention Action Plan Report for publication (PDF, 547 KB)

Not all suicides are inevitable. Suicide can be the end point of a complex history of risk factors and distressing events.  In England one person dies every two hours as a result of suicide. In 2022, 5,642 people died from suicide in England and Wales, 18 of those people lived in North Somerset.

Suicide prevention work within North Somerset

Here in North Somerset, we are committed to reducing the number of deaths from suicide to as close to zero as possible. The North Somerset Suicide and Self-harm Prevention Steering Group and Forum are important vehicles to enable us to do this.  Chaired by Public Health the groups have representation from a wide variety of organisations including Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership, the Samaritans, Highways England and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Partnership.

North Somerset Suicide Prevention and Self harm action plan (2023-27) has 37 actions delivered by 11 organisations and 3 partnership groups all working together in North Somerset to reduce the number of suicides to as a close to zero as possible. There are seven priority focus areas in line with national strategy & guidance

  1. Reduce the risk of suicide in key high-risk groups
  2. Tailor approaches to improve mental health in specific groups
  3. Reduce access to the means of suicide
  4. Provide better information and support to those bereaved by suicide
  5. Support the media in delivering sensitive approaches
  6. Support research, data collection and monitoring
  7. Reduce rates of self-harm as a key indicator of suicide risk

Support for those bereaved by suicide. 

The effect of a death resulting from suicide on family and friends is devastating. A recent national cross‐sectional study using an online survey and analysed the experiences of 7158 participants who had been bereaved or affected by suicide.  The results showed that the death had a major impact on 77% of participants, including those who had lost a friend and those exposed to suicide at a professional level. Mental and physical health problems linked to the suicide were reported in half.

If you or someone you know has been impacted by suicide, you can join our monthly peer support group. To join or find out more contact Pete’s Dragons. Pete’s Dragons 01395 277 780