Swap to Stop

Stop Smoking tags

Smokefree North Somerset is excited to be part of the world-first national Swap to Stop scheme, which aims to help the government meet its ambition of being smokefree by 2030!

One million smokers are being encouraged to swap cigarettes/roll ups for vapes under the Swap to Stop scheme designed to improve the health of the nation and reduce smoking rates.

Over the life course, smoking damages individuals, families and society by increasing the risks of miscarriage and stillbirth in pregnancy, asthma in children due to the passive smoking of secondhand smoke. Smokers also have an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, lung disease, diabetes, 15 types of cancer and dementia.

Green arrows - wording swap to stop relating to swapping smoking for vaping

Smoking remains the UK’s biggest preventable killer resulting in around 80,000 deaths a year and is a major contributor of social, financial and health inequalities.

In North Somerset around 18,000 people smoke, the team at Smokefree North Somerset are offering vape kits alongside 12 weeks behaviour support to help those who are ready to stop smoking.

You can join our Swap to Stop scheme if you:

  • currently smoking cigarettes or tobacco
  • live or work in North Somerset
  • are aged 18 or over*

* those aged under 18 are not eligible for the Swap to Stop scheme however Smokefree North Somerset can provide other stop smoking medication and specialist support.

Find out more how you can join our Swap to Stop scheme