Healthy Lifestyles Advisors: Get Active

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Our Healthy Lifestyles Advisors can help you to Get Active with 1-1 support available for a duration of 12 weeks.  Appointments are weekly or fortnightly, delivered face-to face, over the phone or by video call.  Your first appointment will last up to 40 minutes, with remaining appointments lasting 25 minutes.

Support is free and focussed on your individual needs.  Our Healthy Lifestyles Advisors will listen to any concerns you might have and won’t judge you, we are here to help!

Self Refer yourself for Get Active support

Watch our animation for more information about the Get Active help available to you:



Resident eligibility criteria

You are eligible for healthy lifestyles support to get active, eat well, lose weight and improve liver health if you are aged 18 or more, live in North Somerset and meet the relevant topic based criteria as listed below:

Get Active eligibility criteria

If you would like support to Get Active you must be:

  • Inactive, participating in less than 30 minutes of physical activity per week

Anyone not meeting the above resident and Get Active criteria are not eligible for support from a Healthy Lifestyles Advisor.

Exclusion criteria

  • Severe/moderate frailty as recorded on a frailty register
  • Has a diagnosed eating disorder
  • Has a significant unmanaged co-morbidity

What does Get Active support involve?

It’s recommended adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity a week, or around 20 to 30 minutes a day. Plus, you should aim to do strengthening and balance exercises at least twice a week.  Our Healthy Lifestyles Advisors will talk about ways to build up your physical activity levels and use information such as:

Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q)

All residents joining us for 1-1 or group Get Active support with a Healthy Lifestyles Advisor are asked to compete and sign a Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q).