Walnut Grove Wellbeing Classes – Portishead

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Walnut Grove Wellbeing was formed in Portishead by local health, fitness, and wellness professionals to make exercise and movement therapy accessible and affordable to the local community!

For more details about the classes, or to book your place, please contact: 01275 818 303 / contact@walnutgrovewellbeingcic.com

*Except for Better Breathing, Senior Strong and Yoga for children, the classes are open to all residents living in North Somerset.





Better Breathing 

Tuesdays, 2pm. Via GP Referral, for beginners. *only open to Portishead residents

Wednesdays, 2.15 pm. Maintenance class for the above group


Falls Prevention – Thursdays, 11.45am

This falls prevention course will help with strengthening muscles, improving bone health and working

on balance to reduce your risk of falling.

This is a FREE 10 week course to help you stay safe, stay steady and stay independent.


Menolates – Wednesdays 5.15pm

With easy to follow exercises, this mood boosting FREE 6 week course will target and tone muscles and maintain or improve bone health.

Working in a small group with shared experiences will give you the opportunity to ask questions and see what others do to combat symptoms.


Menopause Workshops – Sundays, 5pm

Topics covered include: 3 stages of menopause, understanding hot flushes and weight gain, brain fog and sleep, nutritional advice to help, HRT, plus free resources each week to support you on your journey.


Senior Strong – Thursdays, 10.30am *only open to Portishead residents

Senior Strong exercise class for those wanting a gentle movement and exercise class to improve strength and fitness (45 mins), with a stay and chat afterwards for social interaction (30 mins)


Stoke Rehabilitation – Mondays 2pm

Research shows that exercise is one of the ways we can reprogram the brain after a stroke has occurred. Walnut Grove are offering three FREE 10-week courses to help kick start the reprogramming, working towards an improved quality of life.


Yoga for Children – Tuesdays, 4.30pm *only open to Portishead residents

Yoga class for Children, especially good for those with neurodiversity, anxiety or who need to relax and improve mobility whilst having fun. Ages 6-11.